Account Group in Accounts Receivable component of Finance Module plays important role as far as Customer Masters are concerned.
Each master record has a unique number assigned to it. This number is needed identify the customer and also to call up the master record or to post transactions. This number plays very important role and has lot of significance.
Now when we have understood the importance of customer numbering, we must also accept the fact that in practical scenario the business can have multiple types of customers. For e.g. Domestic Customers, Export Customers etc. With the different nature of customers, it becomes important to provide different number range for both the customers.
The Account Groups are used to determine:
- Interval for the account numbers
- Whether the number is assigned internally by the system or externally by the user (type of number assignment)
- Whether it is a one-time account
- Which fields will be displayed, editable, suppressed or mandatory while creating/changing Customer Master Data
The configuration for Customer Account Group is divided into:
- Definition
- Number Range Maintenance
- Assignment of Number Range
IMG Path
Financial Accounting (New) > Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable > Customer Accounts > Master Data > Preparations for Creating Customer Master Data > Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Customers)
Fields in the Account Group
Account Group
This is 4 digit code that identifies the account group
Description of the account group, for e.g. Domestic Customer, Export Customer
One Time Account
Select this option if you want all the masters under this account group to be treated as one time accounts
Field Status
This portion contains three parts viz. General Data, Company Code Data and Sales Data. The field status can be maintained for all the fields relevant for the account group here.
Number Range Maintenance
IMG Path
Financial Accounting (New) > Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable > Customer Accounts > Master Data > Preparations for Creating Customer Master Data > Create Number Ranges for Customer Accounts
In this configuration, we maintain the various number ranges required for the customer master data as per the account groups to be created.
This table contains:
Range Number
From Number
To Number
Number Status
Assignment of Number Range
IMG Path
Financial Accounting (New) > Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable > Customer Accounts > Master Data > Preparations for Creating Customer Master Data > Assign Number Ranges to Customer Account Groups
In this configuration, we assign the Number Range to Customer Account Group.
The separate numbering of will not just help in identifying the type of customer looking at the number, but also helps in many reports where we can enter ranges for executing report.